I wasn't sure if I should write about my grandmother on this blog. I didn't want to make it all sad. But this is a blog about what's important in my life and she certainly was.
Today marks one month since she passed away. It has really been a tough month for all of us. We all knew this moment would come sooner or later, but you can never really fully prepare for it.
I just feel lost. My grandmother was really the glue of our family. Everything we did as a family was because of her. Really. She was the reason why we got together most of the time. Granted, we wanted to see other members of the family as well, but everything was planned and carried out according to my grandmother.
I cannot even imagine how the holidays will be now without her. She was such a presence. She was the only grandmother I knew that could hold her own in a political discussion. She tried her best to understand everything in our lives. When I was in graduate school, she told me she looked up "epidemiology" in the dictionary so she would know what I was studying. What grandmother does that?
There was never any question about how she felt about us. We all felt her love, everyday. I still feel it even though she's gone. When I look in the mirror, I see her. I share her name. I know she will always be a part of me. When I look at Keller, I can see her in his little face. She will always be a part of our lives.
I just miss her.