We have been taking Keller to the zoo since he was just an infant because John and I love the zoo. And since the pandas have had their baby panda, I can't get enough of him! Their baby panda was born 2 months before our baby, so it's like they're growing up together! The baby panda just happens to be much larger and furrier than our baby.
We took our first zoo class back in February. It was "Rocking Rain Forest" and the kids made drums, heard a story about the rain forests and their animals, and took a walk through the zoo. We saw the elephants get weighed and get examined by their handlers. That was basically the handler asking the elephant to lift its foot and roll over. It was funny seeing the elephants act like puppies.
Keller really enjoyed the zoo that day. He talked about all the animals for weeks afterward. He told everyone about the animals he saw and what they were doing.
We had such a good time, I convinced Mary to join FONZ so we could take both Keller and Noah to classes together. So, she signed up and the Gill and the Gies families went to a class this past Saturday.
This was Mary and Noah's first time at the zoo and I think they had a great time. In the class, the kids (and parents) made animal sounds and sang songs about dancing animals and they made a tambourine!

We then went on a long walk through the zoo. We saw the cheetahs, zebra, emu, sloth bears, otters, pandas, elephants and hippo. It was awesome. Keller had a great time and Noah did as well. We'll definitely take more classes this summer.

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