Thursday, May 29, 2008


So, I think there is something wrong with me. Besides the obvious, of course. No, the current problem is that I don't really have a lot to say. Some people are surely on their knees thanking God at the moment.

Could it be? Could my talkativeness be subsiding? I have always been a very chatty person. All my report cards in school said that I was a great student, though I never shut up.

I don't know, I feel like I have a lot to say but then I just don't feel like saying it. Is that the height of laziness or what? There are things I try to make a point to remember to tell people but then I just don't.

Like right now, I'm pretty much grasping at the air for something to write about. I have been trying to write this post for like 20 minutes or something. I'm basically just posting this because I haven't posted anything in a few days. Oh well. Maybe I just don't have anything to say right now. My parents are coming for a visit tomorrow, so hopefully something exciting will happen for me to write about. Actually, come to think of it, I'm going out with the girls Saturday night to see Sex in the City. That will certainly spark some conversation.

Until then, enjoy the silence!

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