I must say, the guy that's doing the install is extremely nice. Normally I don't like to be home alone when some strange service person is here. You know, because I fear getting raped and killed in my own home. But this person is nice. Wait...isn't that what they said about Ted Bundy? Ack!
Anyway, because we're supposedly getting FiOS, which would mean a new DVR, we've been trying to watch everything we've taped so we don't miss anything. I got through all the Grey's Anatomy last week. That was pretty good. Now I'm watching Lost. Or attempting to, anyway.
I don't understand this show! I think it's called Lost because that's how you feel when you watch it. I have made it through all the episodes now and my brain kind of hurts. There is just too much to keep track of, in different time periods, with too many people. It makes me feel dumb. Yet, I keep watching. What does that mean?
So, later today I have a conference with Keller's teacher. We have conferences every couple of months. I'm a little nervous about this. The last conference we had was very good. They said he was doing really well on all fronts and if we get him potty trained by the time he's 3, we can put him in the preschool. But then, a little while after that, they said he wasn't going to be moved to the preschool because he is behind in his writing. What? He's not even 3, what is he supposed to be writing? I must say, he drew a mean 6 on his chalkboard this morning. We even took a picture of it. Not bad for an almost 3-year old, huh? And he was holding his Clif Bar while writing. That's pretty good for anyone, let alone a little guy.
I guess that's all for now. Next time I post, I'll have stunning HD FiOS TV, with exceptional picture quality! One hopes, anyway!
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