I know, we still have a couple of months. And they happen to begin the day after my birthday (I expect presents). But there was an article in The Washington Post today about how American swimmers are kicking the world's ass. It goes into the kicks they use underwater, blah blah blah. That's not why I'm writing about this.
Reading the article brought back the wonderful memories of the crushes that developed throughout the Olympics in 2004 on the *hot* swimmers. Don't worry, John knows of my crushes and just laughs at me. Besides, he has his own swimmer crush on Amanda Beard. Now, I will say this: their faces are usually not to my liking. I actually think Michael Phelps looks better with his swim cap on. But those bodies. Man. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. Let's take a look, shall we...

I remember for the two weeks that the Olympics were held my friend Stephanie up in CT, and I would email back and forth multiple times a day talking about the hot swimmers. It was pretty funny. It's amazing we got any work done during that time.
I'm really looking forward to the Olympics this year. Not only will the above hotties be swimming but there's a bunch of new boys to watch! Yay! I just realized that I'll be able to watch them in stunning HD FiOS TV with exceptional picture quality. Double Yay! What can I say, I have a thing for athletes.
Happy Friday!
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