Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Want Candy

Ok, so how can I become independently wealthy? You know, so I don't have to work anymore.

I have been loving my time home with Keller. Yesterday turned out to be such a good day. He crashed after school in the morning, and took a 4 hour nap! We then went to the store and he picked out some underpants (Thomas the Train!). He then used the potty three times last night! And then again this morning!

He had a bad dream this morning and woke up crying. I was already downstairs (I haven't been sleeping well myself) and John said he heard Keller say, "That's my Puppy" and then he started crying. Oh man. He had a dream that someone was taking his puppy. He sleeps with a puppy doll and it's his little comfort item. Anyway, I went in there and got him. We came back and cuddled in our bed for a while. Then we went into the bathroom and he went on the potty (yay!) and got dressed.

I then went on an awesome run. I met Amanda at the trail and we ran a 6-mile steady state run (where you run at a pace just above race pace for a steady amount of time). John took Keller to school so he could see how things go there. And I've been hanging out here.

So, how can this be my life? Instead, I usually wake up at 4:30 to run and then I am rushing to get out the door, only to sit in traffic on my way to work. I don't like that. It truly sucks that we can't, as a society, just do what we want. But I guess things cost a lot, and we kind of need food and a house. But maybe, if, as a society, we all just pooled our resources and became one giant family? I know it sounds odd and probably wouldn't work, but I really just want to spend my days running and being with Keller. *sigh*

At least I'm FINALLY having a good Tuesday!

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