Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Day the Music Died

I am on my own again this week. John is in Connecticut visiting the manufacturer of some of the sequencers they use at work. He left yesterday and will be back tomorrow night. It's 3 days, but it will feel like 3 weeks. I really don't like it when he's out of town. But it is what it is.

So, on my 100th day of not sleeping well, I was up at 4:00 this morning. I decided to watch a movie because we have had the same 3 movies from Netflix for months. I watched My Own Private Idaho with River Phoenix. I was obsessed with River Phoenix for a little while earlier in the year and I realized I'd never watched this movie. It was pretty good.

I've often wondered how different the world would be if the people that died so young and in terrible manners didn't actually die. So, if Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix, John Lennon, etc., didn't die, how different would the world be? Or, are these people legends because they died? I mean, John Lennon was a legend in his own time, of course, but some of the others that died really young, like River, were they already legends? Well, I guess maybe River isn't really a legend because no one really talks about him anymore. Just like Heath Ledger was idolized for the first few months after he died, and now no one talks about him anymore.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. Watching him just made be a little sad. I just always have felt a certain amount of sorrow for people that died so young or in such a tragic way. I think River Phoenix could have been a big deal as he got older. He was so talented and so ridiculously good looking. It's sad he had to die at all, but from a drug overdose? It's terrible.

When I was in LA a few years ago, we happened to be right across the street from the Viper Room, which is where River died. Because of this morbid facination with death I seem to have, we had to go over there. There really wasn't anything to see.

Well, how's that to brighten your Wednesday morning??!! Sorry to be such a downer.

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