Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Box Full of Sharp Objects

John is out of town this week. He left yesterday. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when he is out of town? HATE!

Anyway, have you heard of the Snuggie? I know it's been going around on Facebook and it was featured on the Today show of all places. This thing is really strange looking. Here's the commercial:

I don't know what is more funny, the product itself or the commercial. I kind of want one. I know my mother would love one. I could totally see her walking around the house in one. And she's really short, so it would be all dragging behind her.

On the Today show yesterday, they were all wearing them. It was hysterical. The crew and all the anchors had them on. Apparently they're 100% polyester. Could you imagine the static generated by that thing? You'd have to be careful, you may throw sparks all over the place and set the place on fire. My cat, Percy, is always throwing sparks because he's so fluffy. In the winter time he generates static like crazy. I'd have to be careful if he laid on my while I was wearing the Snuggie. We'd be dangerous. Once false move and the couch would be up in smoke.

I think I'm going to get one...

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