Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked

Did you know that today is National Nude Day? I'm totally serious. And last week (the whole week!) was Nude Recreation Week. That's hysterical.

I wrote an article about it yesterday on the Examiner. There are a number of people that actually run naked. So many that there are several organized nude races throughout the country. Could you imagine? Most of the stories people have written about them have said that once you get past the initial self-consciousness, it's actually quite fun. Everyone is naked, so it's not like people are really only looking at you. I guess looking at butts the whole time you're running isn't necessarily a bad thing. I guess it depends on the butts ;)

I just think about how most races have a decent number of people running and the starting line can get crowded. Some races are so crowded, you're kind of rubbing up against each other. That would be a no-no at a naked race. And if it's summer? The smell would be wretched. I think I just got a little sick.

Anyway, I'm glad I'm able to celebrate Nude Day in the comfort of my home today. It would be awkward (and a little chilly) at the office.

1 comment:

Runner Tammy said...

Hi Jenn,

I thought national run naked day was back in June...but alas I have been informed by my friends who spoke of this it was National Nude Trail Hiking Day.

Apparently there is a difference for others. In my world what I call running, others probably call hiking.

I did not nor shall not partake in either event because it probably would turn peoples stomaches.


P.S. I hope your recovery continues to go well!

P.P.S. my word verification is "Pantspas"...is that where your pants go during national naked running day during their brief day off??