Thursday, August 28, 2008

Devil's Haircut

So, I got my haircut the other night. I chopped it off. I do this every year. I chop it off, I grow it out, I chop it again.

Why do women do this? Is it because society deems women attractive only if they have long, flowing hair? And then women like me, who don't have think hair, and can't get that ideal, end up chopping it off and hating themselves for it. It's truly a vicious cycle.

A bunch of women in my office have cute little bob cuts. And I love them. Then another one of my coworkers has the long, flowing hair. And then there's me. I'm the mousy one in the corner. I try to have cute hair but it just fails. My office mate isn't here at the moment, so I've been spraying and poofing and teasing for a little while. I think it's all right.

On another note, my wonderful husband bought me a Blackberry phone for my birthday. I am addicted. I LOVE it. Seriously, what did we do before we were so connected to everything? I was in traffic this morning (people, it's just rain!) and emailed my bosses to tell them I was late. I can check all three of my email accounts on the phone. And I can even do stuff with Facebook! I can take pictures and email them right away. On a work related note, when my graphics designer sends me stuff that I need to check right away, I can open the attachments right there on the phone! PDFs, Word, Excel, you name it, I can see it! It's pretty kick-ass.

Ok, I'm hopped up on coffee. I need to stop babbling and go do some work. Happy Thursday!

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