Now, onto my soapbox...
What the hell is wrong with people? Seriously, where in life do people go from sweet, innocent kids to horrible assholes? I'm not saying everyone is an asshole, but there are a lot of them out there and they know who they are.
My good friend Lynne had some terrible luck over the Memorial Day weekend. She, her husband, and daughter were in Tennessee visiting her dad and some friends. She got a call from her neighbor informing her that their cars had been vandalized Saturday night at around 9:30 or so. WTF? Since they were hours away and there wasn't much they could do, they stayed for the remainder of their trip, arriving home Sunday night. This is what they came home to:

Can you believe that crap? Seriously, what is wrong with people?
I'm not going to go into the entire story. But I saw Lynne last night and they may have caught the MIDDLE SCHOOL kids that have done this. Yes, I said middle school. I'm sorry, but when I was 10, 11, 12 I wasn't allowed out once it was dark without a parent. I don't care if that's ridiculous, but kids that young shouldn't be allowed out at 9:30 at night (obviously). And where are these kids' parents? I know this is just paint and no one was hurt, but it's an intense sense of violation when something you have is either damaged or taken from you, regardless of if it was a random act (this was) or not. That's how I felt when my identity was stolen. You just feel like nothing is yours and there are people lurking everywhere waiting to pounce. I still feel emotional about it and it's been almost 3 years. I can't even talk about it without starting to tremble and wanting to vomit. It's a crappy way to live.
So, where does this leave us? As a parent, it is all the more reason to be involved and engaged with my child. To let him know we love him and care about him. To know where he is at all times. As a person, it is all the more reason to pay attention to what people are doing around you. Know your neighbors and report things that are suspicious. And love the kids in your life. Maybe if these kids had more love and parents that actually gave a crap about what they were doing, this wouldn't have happened.
Onto more happy things: my parents are currently en route to my house! Yay! I have a girls-night planned for tomorrow night. Yay! It's Friday. Yay!
I just always have to end on a happy note.