I just finished watching Juno.
I'm actually not really sure if I have all my thoughts together yet. This movie was so good. For those of you that haven't seen it, man, what are you waiting for?
First of all, runners are totally cool.
Second of all, Allison Janney is awesome.
I would think most people would think this movie is just about teenage pregnancy. Maybe on the surface, yes, it's about teenage pregnancy. But beneath the surface there is so much more. It's about love and life and finding out what makes you happy.
In my post the other day (The Bus), I wrote about how I finally realized that life isn't about trying to figure out how to get the things we want. It's about what is important to us. So, when you are alone and you're thinking about the things that make you happy, that's what life is about. When you find yourself actually with the things you have wanted all along, well, then, you're set. There's no more looking. Life isn't about the constant strive for whatever it is we think we're supposed to want.
Juno just brought all of what I've been thinking about full circle. Ever since I wrote that post the other day, I have felt kind of free. I have felt like this weight just sort of dissolved. We're allowed to be happy with what we have, we don't always have to be searching for something greater. Not if what we have already is what we truly want anyway.
In my hopelessly romantic world, I've always been a follow-your-heart kind of person. It's always nice to find that I'm not the only one. So, Juno, rock on.
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