Thursday, August 25, 2011

Achy Breaky Heart

There are moments when things Keller says just tear my heart out.

Yesterday he began first grade in his new school. He seemed so excited about it. When he woke up, he came running downstairs saying "It's my first day of school! It's my first day of school!" He was so cute. He got dressed in his new outfit that he picked out all on his own and got ready to go quickly. He put on his backpack and ran out the door.

We got the girls into their stroller and hit the road on our walk to school. Keller was still excited and was talking a mile a minute the whole way.

When we got to school, I think he felt really overwhelmed. This is a much bigger school than Goddard School and certainly has many more students. And with it being the first day of school, it was crazy. The mascot for the school is the eagle, so there was someone dressed in an eagle costume dancing around to Rocky. It was cute. There were kids and parents everywhere. Really, it was a madhouse.

We found Keller's classroom and sat there waiting for his teacher. As the other kids were starting to show up, Keller asked me, "What if the other kids don't like me?" My heart broke into a million little pieces. How could they not like my sweet boy?

For years now, Keller has had a life outside of us. He's been going to preschool and kindergarten and has had stuff happen in his day that I don't know about. However, Goddard was a really safe environment. It was small and low-key and just safe. For some reason yesterday made me realize that he's entering into a different world. A world that I have no control over what happens to him. Kids are mean and they're going to say mean things to him. He's going to get his feelings hurt and there's nothing I can do about it. He's sad right now because he doesn't know anyone at school and it breaks my heart. He said during recess he just walked around the playground because he felt lost. I wanted to jump out a window. When we asked about lunch and if he liked eating outside, he said yes but that he ate alone because no one sat next to him. I want to puke just thinking about it again.

He's such a sweet boy and I know he'll make friends quickly. But seeing him sad just kills me. I've never seen him like this and I don't know what to do. I keep telling myself that it's only been a day and he'll be all right. And he's not the only new person in his class. Maybe I'm reading too much into his behavior, but he just seems different. I hope it's just that he's nervous and overwhelmed by the new situation and not a change in him. He's always been confident and really good at making friends. He had 3 new friends within minutes of moving into our house. Unfortunately though, those boys aren't in his class.

I wish I could make things easier for him. I wish I could be there with him and help him meet his classmates. I just want to see him smile again and feel comfortable about his new classmates. This is the part of parenting that really gets me. I don't want him to feel any sadness or feel alone. But it's a part of life and everyone experiences it. Even my sweet boy.


rose said...

hi Coach Jenn! You probably don't remember me, but I was in your NoBo 5K group in the Spring of 2010. I ended up having to sit out the final 5K because I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant and b/c of a complicated pregnancy history, my ob didn't want me to run. I went to the race anyway to support a friend who was also in the NoBo class and saw you there. We spoke briefly before the race and when I told you why I wasn't running the race, you said you understood and shared a little bit of your story. You have been in my thoughts ever since!

Anyway, I was just on the NoBo site to sign up for Fall 2011 and found the link to your blog and ended up here. Can I just tell you how excited I am to hear that you had twins??????!! CONGRATS x 2!!!!!

I also had a little girl in January 2011. She has been a joy and worth the heartache and all the waiting. :-)

Selfishly, I'm sad to hear that you are out in CA as I would have loved to do NoBo again with you. It's been a struggle finding time to exercise so I figured committing to NoBo would give me the kick in the pants I needed.

I wish you all the best in your new adventures out West. I'm very jealous as nothing beats the weather in SD!

And I hope Keller returned home yesterday with lots of new friends and excitement for the new school year!!

warm regards,
Rosemary Yun

Run with Sole said...

Rosemary, I absolutely remember you. In fact I've been wanting to contact you regarding your pregnancy but I knew you also had a hard time and I didn't want to bring anything up that would be hard for you to talk about. sounds like a congratulations is in order! YAY!!! I'm so happy to hear about your little girl.

While I'm sad that I'm not there in MD anymore and I'm not there to coach the NoBo programs, Karen Craney, who has taken over my position, is great. I think you'll have a god time with her. I mean, she's no me, but who is?? ;)

Good luck to you and your family!! I wish you all the best!


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