Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Want You To Want Me

Ok, that sounds a little desperate. But it's really true.

Now that I'm, ahem, in my 30s, I don't think it's worth it to be doing something you just don't love. I mean, yes, it's rare to find a job that makes you jump out of bed in the morning. But, I think you should at least have a job that doesn't make you contemplate throwing yourself off a bridge everyday.

I'm not saying this is how I feel about my job. I actually like my job. I really love writing. But my passion, as you all know, is running. And I love coaching. Seriously, I find it so rewarding to help someone reach their fitness goals. I have heard so many people say how they never would have believed they could run a race and they were so proud they did. Hearing that makes me want to cry (in a good way) and it inspires my own running.

So, I've been thinking long and hard and I really want to try to coach full-time. I don't know how I would go about doing this, seeing how I already have a full-time job, but I want to try and make it happen. And I could still work my job now.

Anyway, I have been kind of working my ass off trying to promote my coaching services. I've taken out ads online and have been doing various other things. I was hesitant to bring this up on my blog because I didn't want to sound desperate. And I'm not. Up until this point, I haven't been trying to make this a full-time gig. But now I think I want to.

How can you help, you ask? Well, promote the you-know-what out of my website: And tell anyone you know that is interested in running that they definitely need a coach. And you just happen to know a great one (that would be me). People often think that they have to be a really competitive, experienced runner to need a coach. So not true. Anyone that runs can benefit from having a coach. I've coached true never-run-before beginners all the way through to experienced runners looking to reach a new goal. I compare the process to that of a personal trainer's role. If you wanted to learn how to lift weights correctly, or develop a new strength training program, you'd hire a personal trainer, right? Well, I'm a "personal running trainer."

And I coach in a lot of different ways. For individuals, I primarily coach online through email and phone calls. It works because everyone is busy and this way they get the benefits of having a coach without having to carve out time to meet me. Plus, I can coach anyone anywhere. You could be in Thailand and still get all the benefits of me. :) But, I also coach individuals in-person, and I coach groups as well. If you and a friend want to start running, or train for a certain race together, I offer group rates. And I'm still coaching groups through Fleet Feet Sports.

Whew. I'm not used to promoting myself. But if I want to make this work, I need to get the ball rolling.

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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