Monday, March 2, 2009

It's a Mad Mad World

Guess where I am...I'm sitting in the jury lounge waiting to find out if I'll be on a jury. But I'll be waiting longer than most. Why? Because Montgomery County, Maryland, one of the richest counties in the country with resources up the ying yang, delayed its opening 2 hours because of the snow and neglected to inform anyone until 40 minutes before we were supposed to be here. We civic-minded folk left early because it's snowing and we wanted to be sure we'd get here on time. Which means we missed the announcement. So we all nearly killed ourselves to get here only to sit and wait for 2 hours to see if we even need to be here. Our tax dollars at work.

So, yes, it's snowing in DC which means the world is coming to an end. At least for today anyway. You know, they've been talking about this snow for days but do you think they plowed? No. Side roads, of course not. But even the interstate was terrible.

Speaking of terrible, on my way here, I nearly hit a dog because some stupid lady let it off the leash. Why are people so stupid?? I turn out of my neighborhood and start towards the main road. I see a dog run out into the street and then turn around and go back. So I continue down the street. I see the dog squat and do its business. Do you think the owner put it on a leash? Nope. I guess she didn't want to disturb the dog. So the dog then darts into the street. I swerve to avoid the dog and run up onto the curb. Not even a half mile from my house. I put down the window and yelled at the lady. I know it was silly but it made me feel better. All I said was, "Could you get your dog, lady?" She said she was trying. Yeah. Looked that way.
And now I'm here. I guess I could be happy I'm not trying to go down to work right now. But I'm in the mood to complain. I'm definitely having some wine when I get home tonight.

Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll update throughout the day.

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