Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jury Duty

I never updated from Monday. I think I'm still in shock.

After I updated my blog, the legal supervisor from the grand jury came into the waiting room and said that, most likely due to the weather, not enough people showed up for grand jury duty. So, they took about 10 of us up there (myself included). Well, after a scientifically sound way of selecting the grand jury (the judge simply picked), I was selected for grand jury duty. What does this mean, you ask? Well, I need to report to jury duty every Thursday for the next 3 months. Yes, 3 months. Not good.

I'm trying to stay positive about it, but really it's not a good thing. This has thrown a wrench into life since John will need to being Keller to school every Thursday, I have to reschedule a few things with work, and then the whole question of if I'll be able to get paid. I'm not happy about it but at least it's not everyday.

On a completely different note, Keller has been a giant pain when it comes to getting dressed in the morning. He usually wants to stay in his pajamas. So he fights us to get dressed every morning. Then he wants to pick out his own clothes. Which is fine, but he keeps picking clothes that either don't fit or are not appropriate for winter (sue me, I haven't packed up his summer clothes or clothes he's grown out of...I've been busy). Today his shirt is fine but he's wearing some serious high waters. I told him that they were too small and his pants would be too short and he said he liked it. Go figure. When he was a baby, I promised him that I would never put him in high waters. But I didn't pick these pants out for him, so I don't really feel like I failed him. He just has to make these decisions for himself.


Connie said...

Sooner or later as a parent we learn that so long as the "important" parts are covered, its ok.

The most important thing for kids to wear (other than underwear) are their smiles!

Connie said...

Sooner or later as a parent we learn that so long as the "important" parts are covered, it's all ok! Other than clean underwear, everything else is secondary!