Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Karma Chameleon

Let's just get right down to it. People are rude. They may think they're being friendly or funny, but really, they're just rude.

Since having the girls, I have come across some really nice people. Complete strangers offer help and are really very nice. But there are also those people that are so ridiculous you wonder how they survive in the real world. If they say some of the rude things to me, a stranger, I can only imagine what they say to people they know.

The latest rude happening was at the post office the other day. Now, this is quite a tame example, but it's the most recent. I've certainly encountered worse, but this one is most fresh in my mind.

I was leaving the post office with the girls in their double stroller when a man offered to hold the door for me (not the rude part). As I walked through the door, he saw the girls and asked if they were twins. I said yes and smiled. I wondered to myself what could have possbly given it away that they were twins. Was it the fact that they are exactly the same size and shape? But I digress. The man asked if they were both girls. I smiled and said yes (because apparently the pink ribbons and bows weren't obvious enough). Here is what happened next:

Man: Are they both girls?
Me: Yes (smile)
Man: Oh, that's no good (no smile)
Me: You should think of the positives not the negatives (smile)
Man: You have 2 weddings to pay for. Better hope they marry rich.
Me: That's the way to think (not smiling)

I don't think he sensed the sarcasm in my statement.

Really, what would possess someone to say such a rude thing? First of all, I think I'm aware of my financial future with regard to my children. I've thought about it once or twice and I don't need rude men to point things out for me. Second of all, they are tiny little sweet babies and if we have to pay for 5 weddings between all 3 kids, then we'll find a way to make it work. They may not be the most lavish weddings and they may take place in our living room, but they will be the most wonderful living room weddings to ever take place. Mind your own business, people!

And, keep in mind, this scene doesn't even scratch the surface of rude. You'd be horrified at some of the things people have said or asked me in reference to my girls. It makes me cringe.


Steve H said...

This reminds me of the time when we were eating out in a fairly nice restaurant with Taylor, our only child at the time, who was about 18 months old. The server was younger, probably in her mid-to-late 20s, and she looked at Taylor and said, "She's so TINY! Is there something wrong with her?" We were both shocked at her comment, but politely replied that no, she was fine. The server then said, "She's so small: will she need surgery?"

Well, you can imagine how upset this made us, but we didn't make a scene. We just considered her rude and maybe just naive. Needless to say, her tip was absolutely minimal. And Taylor ate a great dinner. :)

Blaine Moore said...

I can't imagine what would possess somebody to say something like that...it's just weird.